09.10.2018 - 09.10.2018

The H.P. Collection
curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei

  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei
  • OPERATIVA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA :: Exhibition :: The H.P. Collection | curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei

 A cura di Carlo Pratis e Michela de Mattei

Inaugurazione venerdì 14 settembre, ore 19.00

Operativa Arte Contemporanea è lieta di presentare
 The H.P. Collection, una surreale collezione immaginata appartenere ad un importante capostipite della letteratura horror internazionale, considerato da molti uno dei precursori della fantascienza: Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Una selezione di opere che attraversa un intero secolo, da maestri come Duilio Cambellotti, Sergio Ragalzi e Fabrizio Clerici, fino ad arrivare a lavori di giovani artisti contemporanei, di cui alcuni realizzati per l’occasione. 
 L’intera galleria si trasformerà in un assurdo salotto pervaso dalle atmosfere oniriche e inquietanti dell’immaginario dello scrittore: paesaggi grotteschi, orrori cosmici provenienti da mondi lontani, oltre a creature ancestrali che giacciono negli abissi.

Artisti in mostra: 
 Joanne Burke, Ennio Calabria, Duilio Cambellotti, Giuseppe Capitano, Fabrizio Clerici, Giovanni Copelli, Michela de Mattei, Emanuele de Raymondi, Cleo Fariselli, Giuseppe Gallo, Luca Grimaldi, Andrea Grotto, Innerraum, Emiliano Maggi, Marta Mancini, Salvatore Meli, Matteo Nasini, Valerio Nicolai, Sergio Ragalzi, Patrick Savile, Vincenzo Simone.

THE H.P. COLLECTION  A cura di Carlo Pratis e Michela de Mattei
Opening Venerdì 14 settembre, ore 19.00 
Dal 15 Settembre al 15 Novembre 2018
Apertura dal Mercoledì al Sabato, 16.30 – 19.30 o su appuntamento

THE H.P. COLLECTION curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei

Opening Friday, September 14th, h 7pm

Operativa is pleased to present The H.P. Collection, a surreal collection supposed to belong to one of the founders of the international horror literature, considered by many as one of the forerunners of science-fiction: Howard Phillips Lovecraft. A selection of artworks crossing a whole century, from Masters as Duilio Cambellotti, Sergio Ragalzi and Fabrizio Clerici, to young contemporary artists’ pieces, some of them especially made for the occasion. The gallery turns into an absurd living room pervaded by dreamlike disturbing atmospheres typical of the writer’s imaginary: grotesque landscapes, cosmic horrors from world apart, and besides ancestral creatures lying in the abysses.

The show will include works by: Joanne Burke, Ennio Calabria, Duilio Cambellotti, Giuseppe Capitano, Fabrizio Clerici, Giovanni Copelli, Michela de Mattei, Emanuele de Raymondi, Cleo Fariselli, Giuseppe Gallo, Luca Grimaldi, Andrea Grotto, Innerraum, Emiliano Maggi, Marta Mancini, Salvatore Meli, Matteo Nasini, Valerio Nicolai, Sergio Ragalzi, Patrick Savile, Vincenzo Simone.

THE HP COLLECTION curated by Carlo Pratis and Michela de Mattei

Opening Friday, September 14th, h 7pm From September 15th to November 15th, 2018 Wednesday to Saturday, h 16.30 - 19.30 or by appointment